
Friday, June 23, 2006

Heidi-ho! Finally got my heart scan over and done with yesterday at 12 noon exactly! Well, yeah--considering it was the company GM himself who set it up for me, maminaw na lagi ko!!
Lay down there with nothing but the quiet hum of the airconditioner to keep me company--oh, and yes--of course, the lady technician who quietly went about her work poking and sticking electrodes here and there. Everything was oh, so quiet, so conducive to a nap, really--but i don't do that with strangers, hah! The echoscan room in the city had a tv on to the Living Channel last time i had it done there...sigh. One can't have everything. That one lasted 30 minutes. This quiet one, 60.zzzzzzzz.

A couple of hours later was the mad rush to the city to catch the cardiologist, Dr. Johnson Wee. Waah. Made it there by 4:30, only to be told that patient #1 had just gone in: i was patient #12. Said doctor was known to be sooo thorough, he'd take as long as an hour with each patient, max. Let's see...4:30 plus 11 hours....I should have brought my tent!!! and lechon manok. Thing is, hubby dear(who'd escaped from the office 2 hours early just to drive for me) had to leave me after a couple of hours waiting with me in that lobby of hard benches---as he had dinner with the top honcho danks lined up for the night and couldn't get out of. Wasn't that worried, as friend Bec was leaving her law class at 7. Alas, 7:30 and Bec came and went and i wasn't even in the reception room yet!!Shoosh! Hunger pangs settling in despite the earlier MERIENDA of chicken joy and its crispy balat, wuhoo!

The clock struck 8 and whoopee! in went me.Doctor Wee wasn't a wee one, it turns out: tall, big chinese guy--a little chubby on the side, despite his claims to being an athlete with hypertension.:) He kinda laughed when he realized i still had to have him watch the video of my scan (remember, it's a one-hour scan---and yey, i have a video like on MTV!!!), so he said he'd have to take it home with him to view and study...and could i come back tomorrow---for another round of 4-hour waits???no thankee! Besides, it was back-to-school night Friday night. So for the moment, we had to content ourselves with his reading the printouts accompanying the video and the photos, too. And...he says, looks like i have an ENLARGED HEART. Sort of like the heart had to exert more effort than average, pumping blood in because of the high pressure--so, like in pumping iron,---the heart muscle got BIG! Oh well---means i just have more love to give, right? And that's all I know, at the moment. Nothing more, nothing less.

And when i texted friend Anna about it, she bawled on her cellphone!! What gives???And told me that she'd told Mik about it and "mik is shaken and can't text or call you yet". Goodness. Okay lang, as it was---hello??11pm??? Let's hit the sack, guys. I'm not worried. God is good, and whatever this is, won't be all that bad. See what happens when God is your best friend?
Gotta go eat some mango.


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