
Sunday, January 13, 2008

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's been ages since i last wrote down anything on this blog, mainly because i still haven't made it a part of my life---when i should, and probably also because i know it isn't a real 'self-respecting' work of blogging ---which is possibly why i haven't made it a part of my life as i should---which brings us back to the beginning of this rambling paragraph.(Hopefully, no English professors get hold of this and start marking red the running sentences and mixed metaphors or whatever coz i'm way past being grammatically correct achuchu.Hopefully the words are still being spelled right? harhar. Besides, i'm doing this even before the birds or anyone else in this house wakes up, so...:}
So why am i back here, even? Mainly because a dear, dear old, old friend of mine has been bugging me to show her my blog ("Ha? Oo nga, ano? I have a blog nga pala! hahaha--teka, let me find it muna!"). Which reminded me I had one pala, and then all of a sudden i got self-conscious coz since i hadn't really taken blogging seriously, much of it was written in an effort to randomly chronicle some events (non-earth-shaking, really)of my day-to-day existence.(Truth is, 'what day-to-day existence?'--more like every-other-month-or-so existence is what i'm talking about here, heheh.)Also, a number of them were merely cut-and-paste efforts from emails to another dear and old friend of mine in Florida who writes me daily (and I her, so in essence, my emails to her are my blog?),which is just more proof that this blog is a 'hindi talaga pinag-iisipan' work of (non)prose!If you want to stop reading at this point, i forgive you and won't blame you either, okay? What i've written so far is just akin to the ramblings of an old lady...but then again, I am getting to be an old lady, aren't I? And this old lady woke up at 4a.m., too. (which is the time old ladies usually get up, harhar!)
Anyways, poor, technologically-challenged me had to IM my daughter Trina in Manila to find me my blog, having tried earlier unsuccessfully to track it! Which answers the question most likely on your mind at the onset of finding this blog: why the blog tag 'Sillymommy'?

Okay, so starting today, i now officially declare myself to be a 'blogger person': i shall make a conscious effort to report to this site more often than every other two months (hyuk,hyuk!), I shall try to be less boring and come up with more interesting, varied input...and i shall try to learn more about how to manage my blogspot better (like, 'pwede pala mag-post ng images???' hahahaha!

Meantime, much as i have so much to make kwento about, it seems just writing these 4 or five paragraphs has exhausted me as much as it has exhausted you reading it==i now
feel compelled to REST.:}}}So, have a great Sunday ahead, i gotta hunt for some breakfast bread!! :}



Blogger ness said...

OMG you are back indeed!!!! Last night I posted jokes you emailed me eons ago. Tan-awa ra, perfect timing! Nalipay ko, Mader.


1/13/2008 11:51 AM  

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