
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Summertime!

Spent a couple of weeks in Manila late March, mainly to see our daughter Trina graduate (BA.Communication, Ateneo de Manila), help her get her stuff (4 years' accummulation) out of the dorm (Eliazo Hall), and the rest was goofing-around time. And goofing around meant having breakfast with old, as well as long-lost friends of some 20- something years(e.g. Raineer Chu) and bonding with their families, endless malling, partying (Grama threw a party to celebrate Trina's grad and celebrate sons Rene & Raul's birthdays (they were born one day apart --Mar 29&30, heheh), field tripping to 168Mall, and best of all cruisin' to Corregidor Island. Below are photos of that event. Hope i learn to make legible captions before i post 'em, harhar.

Riding the trolley around the Island...(that's Trina beside me, with cousin Alvi, and Momon)

The boys...Rene, Momon & Alvi...hmm.where did Mikko go?

Thar he is!

Luckily the shadow on our faces hides our Japanese-like countenances...otherwise namura na kami dun! Below is the longest barracks in the world (at the time). Unfortunately, this site allows for just 5 photos ata? Will have to post on my multiply site, ok? Till next post...toodle!
