Happy Halloweeny!

The horror is, for the first time ever, Kalsangi had around 500+ people coming into the compoud for the annual Halloween festivities!!????? and since we'd only prepared candy for the anticipated usual 350 kids...so luoy lang jud tung mga hinayan or late...tho of course they still got to see the sights and sounds and scary (?) people around.
People seemed more creative this time around: the street with the Thriller theme had a dozen zombies breaking into dance every 15 minutes or so; the street opposite it with the Aliens theme had a spaceship where one could pose for a free digital (polaroid?) picture; another street with the 'enchanted kingdom' theme had all their househelp in gowns and wings flitting up and down the street and gardens;our street naman (with the Addam's Family theme) had this giant 'wrought-iron' cemetery gate sealing off our street from anyone---except the brave--who had to get through this tall, scary gatekeeper..; then there were vampires in another street; and the most interesting theme of all (to me) was the one of Philippine Mythology, where they had manananggals and tikbalangs lining the street, kapres too!
All in all, it wasn't evil ang dating but fun, fun,fun---and sulit ang backbreaking labor the days prior to it. What was remarkable too, was that most of the work was done by the residents themselves, down to the 'street performers' which included a top-level executive doing the 'thriller dance' on his street!
For full photo coverage, do check out: http://mummy1. multiply. com/photos/ album/54/ Kalsangi_ Halloween
Hope we still have the energy to make a repeat next year...! Now where's that masseuse?
Labels: halloween 2009
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