
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Outreach, the MMCC way...

Hallooo!! Talk about chilly cold-y weather! I had all my windows closed all morning till around noon---even with the sun high up in the sky, as it was a truly windy, COLD Monday----very conducive to just stretching out on the couch under a warm blankie! Which was what i actually did, harhar. Had a whole list of stuff to do on my mind, but my bod just wouldn't budge, sowee. Know why? Coz it got beat up yesterday afternoon---when practically our whole church (the active families) went on an 'outreach' outing to the hills of this place called Kipalbig to dole out groceries and old clothes and rice to about 50 families living there belonging to the Bila-an tribe.
Actually, the whole of yesterday, Sunday was really cool. In the morning, we celebrated Children's Sunday with a special service led by the kids (they were the worship leaders, and they also had special song and dance numbers during the service), plus a party for them, with games, balloons and lootbags, to boot! Why a Children's SunDAY? Because a few years back, some smart kids complained that we always celebrated Mother's Day &Father's Day, so why not a day for them too???is why.
Then most of us formed a convoy towards Kipalbig, but stopped first at Nadie's, that chicken bbq place in Tupi i often mentioned in the past--for a nice lunch of what else? yummy chicken barbecue! Then we went off again. The site we had to get to was actually a semi-island of sorts, as it had a river surrounding 3/4ths of it, and the little circle of land we were on was full of trees, so it was also pretty cool, even if it was just around 1:30pm when we got there.
What was cool, too, was that our hosts (farm owners in the area) must have guessed (or smelled?) that this was a church who loved to eat, and they had pancit bihon prepared for us, boiled bananas plus buco juice and giant guavas to munch on while waiting for the natives to congregate.
And then they came in droves. That, too, was an unforgettable experience. Makes one remember how blessed one is, when others can have very little as well.
We got home around 5pm, soo tired but altogether happy.
I found myself dozing off at 8:30pm, as opposed to my normal 11pm& up beddybyetime!! And actually waking up at 5:30!! Wuhoo! 9 hours of sleep, finally?! in this day and age?(kay diba the tigulanger one gets, the less sleep he gets?)
But maybe such an unusual (but healthy)number of sleeping hours gave way to my groggy feeling all day long. Hence my being a couch patata today. Excused na ba? wahaha.


Blogger ness said...

I am so glad you have finally updated your weblog! Makalingaw ang imong mga adventures diha. I am currently encouraging Erlyn to make her own weblog too.

Suggestion for your posting: How about increasing the white space between paragraphs? So that each post is not just a mass of texts. More white space, easier for the eye to navigate down the page.

I am having difficulty with that too in my postings, nag-experiment2x ra ko about line spacing. I'm sure you can figure it out by trying this and that.

If it doesn't work, you can always ask your daughter or any of the young people out there. They sure know a lot more about the internet and webpages than us mothers combined.

Or you can just let it be. It's your weblog afterall. Whee!

1/31/2008 12:57 AM  
Blogger martiansu said...

Thanks for the feedback, dearie! You are so right! For some time now, i've been viewing the 'monologamous'boringous flow of plain black text on my entries, and wondering how i can improve on it. Hayaan mo---i will summon my tech-y powers (harhar, like, i have any??)some more. Otherwise, i shall have to wait for when my unica hija super-tech doter comes home to roost this summer.
Ta-ta for now. Thanks for being my loyal reader of one.:)

2/12/2008 8:23 AM  

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